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Miss Olympia Classic Hydroplane

209,00 EUR
19 % VAT incl. excl. Shipping costs
Product no.: 20609
Manufacturer: Hydro&Marine O. Siess
More products of: Hydro&Marine O. Siess

Products description

Miss Olympia Classic Hydroplane
Semi Scale Hydroplane from the 70s for 4-6 LiPo.
or 3.5 ccm

This model of a Pickle Fork-Hydroplanes was driven by various sponsors like Budweiser, Madison, Notre Dame and many other sponsors Hydroplane between 1965-1970.
These racing boats were powered by Rolls Royce 12 cylinder engine

Eagle has been in the area 4 - 6 Lipos or glow-drives from 3.5 -7.5 cc designed.
The hydrofoil between the floats contribute significantly to Buoyancy in the hull.

Scope of supply:
  • GfK fiberglass epoxy finished hull
  • Colored glossy
  • One-piece big cover
  • 2 Spoilers
  • German building guidance

Technical Specifications:

Length:765 mm
Width:365 mm  
RC:Rudder, speed control, mixture

from Lehner 1950 oder 2240 Motor-Hotline 0049- (0) 9405-6000

Number of cells:4 - 6 LiPo 4000-5000 mAh
Glow-Version:from 3.5 cc glow starter
Competition class:Sport 21 Hydro


Motorisierungsvarianten Leopard Sport Abstimmung (preiswerter China-Motor) :
5s1p  =  Leopard LBP4065B/2Y Brushless Motor 4polig -2100kV-   (minimal Zellenempfehlung)
6s1p  =  Leopard LBP4074NB/3D 1650kV-

Motorisierungsvariante LEHNER Top-Speed Abstimmung (hochwertiger/teillastfähiger Qualitäts-Motor) :

Motorisierungsvariante LEHNER Super-Hot Abstimmung (hochwertiger/teillastfähiger Qualitäts-Motor) :
8s1p*- 11 Windungen   = Lehner 2240 HiAmp Air&Watercooled (unsere Referenz-Empfehlung)

More images can be found in our photo archive under

Product safety information:  


Hydro & Marine O. Siess
Traberhofstr. 44
83026 Rosenheim - Germany


Responsible person

Oliver Siess
Hydro & Marine  O. Siess
Traberhofstr. 44
83026 Rosenheim – Germany

Miss Olympia Classic Hydroplane
Miss Olympia Classic Hydroplane
Miss Olympia Classic Hydroplane
Miss Olympia Classic Hydroplane
Miss Olympia Classic Hydroplane
Miss Olympia Classic Hydroplane

Product 6 of 14 in this category

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